Mathay + Belmonte = Mathaymonte

Re-blogged from my tumblr

Spotted on Mel Mathay’s blog…

Could Joy Belmonte be Mel Mathay’s secret running mate? Mathay, QC candidate for mayor, has been spotted a few times with Mayor Belmonte’s daughter.

Making matters more intriguing is the continued no-show of administration candidate Herbert Bautista.

If there’s a Villarroyo, could there be a Mathaymonte too?

Oooh, I smell something fishy. I mean, there's no smoke without fire right? And besides, I'll be happy if this is true since they could be a great team. Mathay's a well-accomplished and really capable public servant, while Belmonte can learn from her Dad, Sonny, which is, well, an efficient politician too.